Wednesday 7 January 2015

Forget New Year Resolutions … Here’s My Bucket List!

How about we start a new thing this new year where instead of pledging to never drink again (which usually lasts until the January salary checks in), we instead write out epic things we’d want to do before we die. That’s my new thing. Because life’s too short. And also cause I clearly have way too much time on my hands.
Now a bucket list, needless to say, has to have some pretty extra-ordinary stuff. I mean it is after all a list of things you would think of doing if someone told you this was the only day, week, month or year left to live. Well I have my epic list… but then I’ve also got my shorter more achievable list. Why? Because I hate heights so no skydiving or bungee jumping for me; Don’t like being in water so I won’t be wanting to whimsically swim with dolphins; there basically wouldn’t be much to amaze you with. Or would there be? Read on to find out.

(no judging!)

Rae’s Mini Bucket List for 2015

1. Knit an entire scarf.

I read somewhere (code for I’m about to make something up), that learning a new skill, regardless of how mundane it is, is one way of measuring true growth! So for this year's Christmas, I plan on wearing a scarf knitted solely by me. Yup. It’ll probably not be proportional and I won’t want to be seen in it but it’ll be my scarf and yes, I shall show it to you then.


2. Capture most of Alexis’ ‘Firsts' on camera.

Alexis (my couple months old daughter) laughs in her sleep and I am dying to get that on video. Too funny! That and all the other amazing ‘firsts’ that she’ll have this year. First tooth, first birthday, first taste of food *happy sigh* I’ll probably get bored of that at some point though. I can already hear other parents agreeing to that. Well in the meantime I’ll have a ball with it.

3. Post Up To 50 Times on My Blog.

I didn’t do much on this site last year. Or the year before but this year, I’m making it a goal of mine to have at least a post each week. Granted that I’m not living the world’s most exciting life, I promise to make it as enjoyable as I can.

4. Support a good cause.

Cause the world could do with a little more good and also cause I don’t remember doing this when it wasn’t a school requirement. Think I’ll start by delving into my wardrobe and giving away my Martin Luthers. You know, the clothes you look at and think ‘I have a dream’… since you don’t fit into any of them anymore. Yup. Those ones. I should be able to build up from there.

5. Plant a tree.

Planting several trees would be a more memorable and amazing bucket list item but I said ‘a tree' because I’d like to look at it many years later and wonder happily at it when it’ll be over ten feet tall, thinking about how I knew it when it was barely a seedling.
Like I said, no judging!

There. Way better than the New Year resolutions we make each year. That’s my mini bucket list but for your reading pleasure, if I really was to have an actual bucket list, then it would for sure look a little like this…

Get my picture taken at platform 9 and ¾.

Harry Potter fans get this one.

Visit an Eskimo.
Just so I can say I did

Buy a plane ticket to some place random or better yet, throw a dart at a map and travel wherever it lands
Yeah assuming I’ll be married to Richard Brandson’s son. 

Get my Masters Degree and PHD.

I’ve always wanted to be a lecturer in my future life. I’d be a kick ass lecturer but no I have no idea what it is that I’d lecture.

Go see the Northern Lights.

Visit all 7 continents.

Which is great cause I can already knock off Africa from that list. Six more to go!!

Attend Tomorrowland.

Only the most massive EDM concert on this planet!! 

Meet Idris Elba

What woman wouldn’t.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could all do such things? Imagine the stories we’d have by the end of the year. In fact imagine the stories we’d have when we’re in our forties and fifties. *sigh* this calls for the perfect song *queue John Mayer’s – ‘Say What You Need To Say’. Lol.
Agreed then? No more resolutions that we all know will be forgotten as soon as we hit February. Let’s start crossing out items on our bucket lists! 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I will remind you of the scarf on this year's Christmas eve.
    May He keep us
