Saturday 8 November 2014

New Post, New Phase... About to be a Mom!!

Wow. Been so long since my last post and no, I haven't found a better way of posting so that it stops to sound like you're reading bits of my diary.

2014 flew on by. One moment it was new-years and there we were with our goals and plans. Well it's 11 months later and for some of us (let's be honest), we still have those goals on a list somewhere, still waiting to be achieved.

Happens every year except this one proved to be an unforgettable one for me now that I am literally expecting a bundle of joy.

Not something I'd planned for, I'll be honest, but definitely something I can't wait to experience. I'mma be a mom this month ... which now that I think of it, lol! makes this a 'Valentines Fever' baby.Yeah that's right. I'm apparently that statistic.

Motherhood with all it's daunting responsibilities is soon to be my world and my lifestyle.

How does that feel like? Let's see. Well, like a title I somehow managed to earn through my somewhat 'un-facinating' life. 'Excited' wouldn't nearly be the right way to describe it but hey, about 6 billion (and more) people on this planet are moms so... no need to go on and on.

Glad I had friends to share this with. Glad my mom is with me cause then I know I've got a great mentor or perhaps someone who won't be shocked at how ill prepared I turn out to be. I'll be one of those moms that teach their kids about House Music before getting to the important stuff. Know that kind? No? Ooookay then.

Now that I am almost due, thought it cool to share the news with my multitude of readers. Yes. All five of you! Hehe

Will be taking a three month break from my on air reporting and from my show 'The House Party' on Homeboyz Radio 103.5 FM but DJ Andie will hold down fort and I shall continue to be online for you via @iamthe_rae (twitter) and Rae Kiragu (Facebook).

Wish me luck! Hope to post again soon!
