Saturday 9 March 2013

Three In The Air If You Just Don't Care

Three In The Air Like You Just Don't Care

Can we all join in in bidding this looong ass week goodbye!

Yeah I’m pretty sure we broke some sort of record there like “World’s Longest Wait after Elections” Lol.

The tension was a little too palpable but hopefully the fact that I've got that #KenyaDecides theme song from Citizen TV as my ringtone (you know, the one they kept playing while showing the results) should help lighten the mood after J

Yeah that’s right. Don’t ask how but that’s my ringtone!

I hear that the world’s eyes (now awkwardly picturing a globe with eyes) were on us because of what happened last time and that said, I LOVE THIS COUNTRY!!

You know why?

Because amidst the urber crazy anxiety in the air was a guy who just published a book called ‘The Adventures of Mike Sonko’, a bunch of people sending mass texts about Kibaki writing ‘I Was Here’ on the walls of State House and the retards that listed ‘Run-off Akinyi’ and ‘Valid Votes Omondi’ as probable baby names for babies born during this election.

Yeah –got to love the 254!

It’s taught me that it’s important to know when TO stress about something and when NOT to.

See I think that no matter who you are, no matter what you do, at some point, life WILL have screwed you over! *insert evil laugh*

So I named this article ‘Three in the Air like You Just Don’t Care because truth is even when it’s something important, if you can’t fix it –you gotta accept that you just can’t fix it.

Okay, I lie. That’s not the whole reason I named it that. I actually named it after my new favorite song called ‘Whatever’ by Hot Chelle Rae.

Thing is, before this year, I think I cared too much about things. I mean I loved my dad for cushioning me from the proverbial ‘big bad world’ but in the name of being a ‘Ray of sunshine’, I realize now that I cared a little too much more than was necessary.

Ever felt that way?

Well I did. In fact, shout out to people who saw that….and used it to their advantage…really hope something big and ugly eats you!! =)

Bottom line, life ain’t fair.

So to all my hustling peeps doing plenty of pro bono work in the name of ‘making it’, if it ever gets too much… it’s never a bad idea to take a chill pill... allow yourself to be young….and put three in the air like you just care (;  Just don’t be quitters in the process.

If you haven’t heard this song before, I know you’ll love it; Check out it’s VIDEO HERE

Crazy Awesome Rae

P.S. Not bad for my second day doing this right? Let me know what you think.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Where To Start...


You should probably be warned that as this is my first blog, there will be a lot of irrelevant 'not sure why you would read this' type of writing.

I mean for starters, (to other bloggers) should this feel like I'm writing a letter? Cause it does. In fact, I had to really fight the urge to start with the usual 'Dear Reader' ...and since you're still reading,...then good thing I didn't :)

Okay let's get serious. Who am I? Well I'd like to think of myself as your average girl next door. Yeah nothing fancy about me,... except for maybe the fact that I am a radio show host trying to piece her life back together after it came to shambles when her dad past away last Christmas.

Yes. He couldn't have picked a more horrible time to die and I'm only doing this because one of my good friends (who happens to be a therapist) thinks it's a good idea. No worries though! This is not going to be about that.

Lucky for you, I plan to take this opportunity to showcase the most amazing moments of my life because if I learnt anything last Christmas, it's that life is to darn short to spend sad.

Not saying it'll be THE BEST BLOG EVERRR, just that there will be plenty of craziness and fun to keep you reading I mean, I DID just hold your attention this whole time right? ;)

To all my friends that stood by me during that time, I can't thank you enough! To my family....not sure I'll want y'all reading this (O.o) To my therapist friend,..thanks for the encouragement! And to the rest of my peeps, I guess your journey into the viciously crazy awesome mind of Rae starts now!

Have Fun!
